Niky Hamilton

Rise UP Online Coaching for Women

September 16, 20246 min read

June 28, 2023

The Rise UP Women’s Resilience Program is for women who have been navigating a challenging period of time, grief or loss and need to a step step pathway to help transform overwhelm, brain fog, grief or loss into clarity, confidence and courage.

Niky Hamilton

The Rise UP Women’s Resilience Program is for women who have been navigating a challenging period of time, grief or loss and need to a step step pathway to help transform overwhelm, brain fog, grief or loss into clarity, confidence and courage.

  • It’s for women who feel depleted, lost or overwhelmed whilst wading through grief and life’s setbacks.

  • It’s for women who have found counselling or psychological care helpful- but are tired of telling the same story in the circular dusty path.  

  • It’s for women who have been on the emotional rollercoaster of grief or depletion for too long, and need to start prioritising themselves.

  • It’s for women who would LOVE to transform their journey into resilience, clarity, courage and confidence.

  • It’s for women who have reached a crossroads and know they need to make a change, but just don’t know where to begin.

Find out what other women have to say here

Niky Hamilton

Hi, I’m Niky Hamilton.

Founder of Synergy Women and the Rise UP Resilience Program for Women.

Rise UP was developed over a five year period following the loss of our son Baxter. I found myself transformed from a happy confident woman who was running my own successful physiotherapy and teaching business, to an empty shell of my former self.

I lost all confidence and trust within myself, became anxious, depleted and overwhelmed as I tried to carry the unbearable weight of grief.  I ruminated for months with the self-blame internal dialogue  “if only…”.

  • If only…. I done something differently. Said something differently.

  • If only I’d changed this decision. Chosen a different path.

  • If only I’d tried harder. Spoken up. Listened to my heart. Trusted my intuition.

  • If only….

The self blame dialogue that can quickly cascade into I’m not worthy, of happiness, love, joy or connection.

It was during this time I came across a Dr Demartini quote that read:

“Whatever you have or have not done you are worthy of love”

Something shifted and I knew I needed to make a change.

I realized I had spent so many years looking after everybody else’s health, yet had no idea how to start looking after my own or prioritizing me. I was depleted, overwhelmed and lacked any kind of motivation. I’d lost all direction.

It was at this crossroads I knew I needed to make a change. To a step in a different direction. To start new steps in order to start living my life rather than just surviving my life.

So I re-trained.

Using my passion for women’s health and my physiotherapy qualifications I also expanded to have a better understanding of grief, mind health, mindset, stress management, and motivation.

I searched the world over to help myself with courses, workshops and training to better understand my own mind health and to help myself move forward. This included walking on hot coals at a Tony Robbins event (yikes!) to qualifications as a mindfulness meditation teacher and the Dr Demartini facilitator training program.

It was with these additional courses and workshops I then started to put together a framework to help myself move forward. A framework to help me build resilience and navigate my symptoms of sadness, resentment and brain fog as well as help me find the motivation to move forward with clarity, joy and enthusiasm again. This framework is called Rise UP.

I began sharing this framework in a one day workshop for women and soon realized that so many women, just like myself, have been navigated life‘s challenges and need a chance to be able to build resilience.

I’ve also discovered that grief has so many faces and forms for women.

  • Relationship breakdowns, health problems, separation, career changes, loss.

  • Giving too much and life wearing thin.

  • Life tipped upside down and just not turning out as planned.

It can feel dark. It can feel lonely. It can feel like you’re simply treading water and no one on this earth understands.

Although our stories will be different, our pathways and steps toward navigating with resilience will be the same.

My one-day workshop was popular and full of information for women and soon expanded into a beautiful four day retreat for women called the Rise UP retreat.

Soon I was approached by women- I’d love to access this content, this pathway forward for myself, but I can’t attend retreat!

So here it is- the entire Rise UP framework just for you, in ten easy online modules.

Whats included:

  • A powerful clear step by step framework with over 30 video tutorials to guide you toward building resilience

  • Simple and effective exercises and worksheets for you to start forming a new picture with clarity.

  • Essential steps you need for body, mind and heart health to form the base of resilience.

  • Understanding stress, brain fog, mindset, self talk and mind health including practical tools to help you navigate, improve your focus, clarity and mind health.

  • Emotional regulation with practical tools to calm the emotional rollercoaster

  • Understanding your values and how to step toward what you value most including how to set boundaries and build motivation.

  • Learn more about finding YOUR strengths and how to use them

  • Combining your strengths and values to build confidence once more

  • Reframing life’s challenges to help build resilience and gratitude

  • Step by step guide on how to set boundaries (without apology or resentment!)

  • Creating a pathway forward for yourself

  • Lifetime access to all online material and downloads

  • The opportunity to have a clear framework for you to transform overwhelm, brain fog, fatigue and grief into clarity, confidence and courage.

It is my absolute heartfelt joy and gratitude to be able to offer this out to women to help them navigate life hurdles and Rise UP. Resilience is something we can all achieve and I’m passionate about helping women find their strengths and Rise UP with grace and authenticity to build the life they deserve.

There are TWO options for your online program access.

Independent access

Suitable for self- motivated women who like to work alone and will dedicate the time to step themselves through the framework following each module.

If this sounds like you, you can simply click the link here and access your program instantly with either a one off payment or a 3 month payment plan.

Guided Access including weekly group coaching calls for ten weeks

We host regular ten week group programs that include weekly group connection zoom calls with Niky. This includes all of the above in your online program with the additional support of weekly coaching and guidance. Our next ten week program starts.

Contact us for guided support and we are happy to help you!

Niky Hamilton is a qualified physiotherapist with a passion for helping women with their health. She is also a trained Demartini facilitator, a mindfulness meditation teacher, a yoga teacher and presenter.

Like to learn more about developing resilience through life challenges?

Niky offer’s her Rise UP program for women online as well as her within her four day Rise UP retreat.

  • Find out more about her retreats here

  • Learn more about her online program with this free resource to help women transform grief to resilience here

  • Listen in to the Synergy Women podcast here

  • Interested in Niky’s next Rise UP virtual retreat? Join the waiting list here

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Sometimes it can feel like life just seems to fall apart. You find yourself staring at the tipped out pieces and wondering how you got there. How you’ll ever find your way through. My love, my heart. Resilience is not bouncing back. Resilience is the heart’s courageous choice to transform. Join me.


PO BOX 124 Peregian

Beach Qld 4573.


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Copyright 2024 Niky Hamilton

All Rights Reserved